Our clinic at Parc Dewi Sant is the perfect location for those in Carmarthen and the surrounding areas to get help with all their hearing needs. Here we offer a wide spectrum of services including:
- Free hearing tests
- Microsuction earwax removal
- Wide range of hearing aids for all lifestyles and budgets
- Hearing awareness
- Tinnitus advice and management
- 5* hearing aid servicing
Situated on the outskirts of Carmarthen and just off the A40, Parc Dewi Sant is a hub for health, leisure and education that’s easily accessible to everyone in and around the County with free on-site parking and regular bus services from the town centre.
So whether you are an existing customer or looking to address your hearing loss for the first time, everyone is guaranteed a warm welcome and the very best service at our new clinic!
To book an appointment, please call 01792 204886 or send us a message.
Our address is:
Parc Dewi Sant
Building 2 (follow Medispace signs)
Job’s Well Road
SA31 3HB
We also cover South and West Wales with branches and free home visits.